Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca Commentary, Wellness, Nutrition Dr. Henri Roca

The Discerning Consumer’s Guide to Purchasing Supplements

Buying supplements can be a daunting task for the average consumer. Yet, it is not difficult to buy good quality, effective supplements if you are well informed.

Supplements should never be used as a replacement for the basic tenets of health. No pill, tablet, capsule or liquid, natural or pharmaceutical, can replace a healthy lifestyle combining proper nutrition, exercise and stress management.

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Videos, Suspend Your Beliefs & Explore Dr. Henri Roca Videos, Suspend Your Beliefs & Explore Dr. Henri Roca

Suspend Your Beliefs & Explore: I Am Enough

There are many times when feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy make us feel as if we are not enough. In some cases, this may stem from someone telling you that you are not enough, but oftentimes, we tell ourselves that we are not enough. Sometimes this drives unhealthy (soothing) behaviors, so be encouraged to address these harsh results of false beliefs.

In this moment, recognize that you are enough. Affirm this statement by reciting it aloud, being present, journaling, or partaking in a healthy action that resonates most with you.

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Is Acupuncture Right For You?

Join Dr. Henri Roca of OneMedicine Wellness Services & Argenta Counseling as he discusses the ins and outs of Auricular Acupuncture for Pain (aka Battlefield Acupuncture) and Auricular Acupuncture for Anxiety/Stress (aka Stress Acupuncture). These services are provided in a group setting at Argenta Counseling & Wellness. To find out more information OR schedule an appointment, please call 501.777.5969!

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Take Control of Your Personal Health

Our nation’s healthcare system is in crisis because it costs an exorbitant amount to keep a person with a chronic disease alive and healthy. The number of people with chronic diseases has increased because our lifestyle choices can push our bodies out of balance. So it comes down to this: How might we choose to live healthier lives?

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Videos Lillian Lovich Videos Lillian Lovich

The Story Of Your Food

Dr. Henri Roca joins The Whole Health Institute for their exclusive “Mind-Body Series”. This one-of-a-kind collaboration seeks to provide education & action items to help you improve your overall health.

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