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Healing Waters For Clarity To Life
Natural spring water has long been considered to be a mechanism for healing in areas of: Stress reduction, muscle relaxation, easing your mind, quality sleep & added clarity.
Specialized Exercise Prescriptions for Mood and Memory
We have long known that specific exercise regimens can shift our physiology in particular ways – tai chi helps balance, high intensity training reduces weight and improves cardiovascular health, strength training increases testosterone and the strength of the muscles worked. This fascinating study demonstrates the correlation between different types of exercise and specific moods and memory skills.
Tools For Healing: Meditation Practice
During this season of Thanksgiving, we each have a lot to be grateful for. I encourage you to reflect on what you're thankful for by writing it down, sharing it with a friend, or leaving a comment below.
WHAT – Bacterial Superproducers Of Histamine?!
Recent breakthrough research has identified a gut bacteria that produces excessive amounts of histamine which correlates to gut pain. The researchers took gut bacteria from people suffering from IBS and implanted it in rats.
Dr. Roca’s Hi”story”: Merging Geology & Medicine
Dr. Roca's background in geology has inspired him to "see below the surface" in efforts to uncover the "why" behind health. Although the studies of geology & health may seem distant, Dr. Roca has used the two to merge the way medicine is viewed.
All Hyped Up About Serotonin
Depression and anxiety exists on a continuum from worry, fear, dread, shame, unworthiness to stress to super-stress to depressiveness with or without anxiousness to diagnoseable mood disorders. And we fluctuate at any given time along this trajectory.
Social Safety Theory & The Immune Response
The Social Safety Theory describes how our social environment influences our thoughts and feelings which then triggers physiologic processes through our sympathetic nervous system, our stress response, our vagal nerve responses, and our ability to conceive of our world. Social Safety is protective.
COVID Reactivates And Triggers Potential Causes Of Long COVID
We’d love to be able to predict just who will get long COVID. We can’t yet say for sure who would get Long COVID but we are developing the capacity to understand it a bit better. This study is an elegant study of genomics and immune activation. If you are into detailed studies of genomes then you’ll love this study.
The Power Of Community
"Community is the cocoon within which we live, we grow, we become well." -Dr. Roca
COVID Shedding Over Time
Moving forward, we can expect COVID to affect us in waves as it continues to mutate. A significant question is how long COVID may lve within us, even if we aren’t able to infect others. This idea of long -term COVID infections could be related to the presence of Long COVID in some.
Roots & Values
Where do your roots and values come from? At OneMedicine Wellness Services, Dr. Roca’s inspiration comes from his mothers’ work in nursing. What if your provider worked from a place of helping you get back to health on a journey WITH you, instead of simply telling you.
The End Of The Road
When we reach the end of the road, we are challenged with the question- with what limits us vs. what gives us wings? The end of the road is the beginning of our wings. Whether you are dealing with chronic illness or challenges in life, the question is, where do we go from here?
Epstein-Barre Virus (EBV) Stalks Us
In the case of EBV, the data is growing that indicates EBV can cause Multiple Sclerosis which is a disease that breaks down the insulation around nerves and causes the nerves to lose functionality. It is a challenge to conclude that EBV can cause any particular disease because EBV infects almost 90% of the population, usually when we are young.
Ultra-Processed Living
Reducing ultraprocessed foods while increasing minimally processed foods can reduce your dementia risk. Minimally processed foods are those that were/are alive, grown nearby, and look and taste like they would have when they were picked or culled.
Sleep & Stress
At night this molecule (along with others) determines how easily and rapidly we slip into and out of sleep. If we are too reactive, we may not spend much time in restorative sleep or we may slip out of sleep very rapidly. It would appear that a more relaxed brain retains memories more easily.
Toxic Metals in Baby Food
A recent report indicated that both bought and prepared baby food contains levels of heavy metals that may be toxic to a developing brain.
Gut Health & Flora
Dr. Roca’s takeaway from the International Research Congress in Integrative Medicine and Health! The answer may not be in antibiotics, but in restoring the colonic flora.
When More Isn’t Better and a Little Is Just Enough
Several recently published articles question the usefulness of taking vitamins and supplements.
Changes In Metabolism
Changes in metabolic rate can lead to: Weight gain, Obesity, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes, High blood pressure, Pain & Arthritis, and Potentially Cancer & Dementia. The 𝗚𝗢𝗢𝗗 & 𝗕𝗔𝗗 news is…it's a process. Let me help you 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗣 the process & gain control over your health trajectory.
Pause. Notice. Choose.
What is Pause, Notice, and Choose? - A technique that helps individuals be present in the moment without judgement so they can make their best decisions.