Rest, Recharge & Repair

Did you know that one in three adults in the U.S. don't get enough sleep? That's right, and according to recent research, it might even be as high as 59%! If you're part of this sleep-deprived majority, we've got some great tips to help you get a better night's rest.

Understanding the Science of Sleep

Sleep isn't just about laying down and closing your eyes; it's a complex process crucial for your overall well-being. Here's a quick breakdown:

- Light Sleep: The initial stage where you start to relax.

- Deep Sleep: The restorative stage where your body regenerates, repairing muscles, bones, and boosting your immune system and memory.

Tracking Your Sleep

Understanding how much time you spend in deep sleep is vital. Wearables like the Oura Ring can help you monitor your sleep patterns, including:

- Deep sleep duration

- Number of times you move

- Overall sleep quality

Tips for Better Sleep

1. Get Sunshine During the Day: Natural light helps regulate your internal clock.

2. Stay Active: Physical activity can improve sleep quality.

3. Avoid Alcohol in the Evening: It may relax you initially but can disrupt your sleep later.

4. Watch Your Caffeine Intake: Some people are more sensitive to caffeine, so it’s best to avoid it close to bedtime.

5. Mind Your Evening Meals: Eating too close to bedtime, especially sweets and carbs, can spike your blood sugar and wake you up during the night.

Foods to Help You Sleep

- Protein-Rich Foods: These can help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

- Warm Milk: Contains molecules that help secrete melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Let’s Turn Those Stats Around

Improving your sleep quality takes effort and time, but with the right habits, you can start seeing improvements. Lowering stress and winding down before bed are key steps.

Don't let sleepless nights be your norm.

Interested In Working Together?

OneMedicine Wellness Services seeks to help you achieve the best & healthiest version of yourself. If you would like to get started on your journey to restoring health, set up a consultation here.

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